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Updated: Sep 3, 2019

Once upon a time, there was an avid reader with far too many opinions to keep to herself.

Well, well, well, welcome to the newest reader to digest a book. This is my new page of what everyone else usually does: puts up their opinions on the internet and expects others to care. But if you're like me, you're constantly in a toss up on what to read and it's tied between a dozen books that are sitting on your bookshelf or going out to the library for something new. That's when I look for reliable reviews on what's good and what's not. And in an effort to avoid actual human interaction, that means surfing the internet for good opinions... not always the most reliable source. So I appreciate when I find someone who's literary tastes match up with mine. And thought people would appreciate it back.

So a bit of background.

Favorite Books: The Book Thief or Pride and Prejudice (original, not the zombie version) Favorite Series: Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Most Hated Books: The Jungle or Goldfinch

I'm a sucker for great imagery that makes you stop and ponder over one sentence like ten times because it's just that profound. So Zusak's Book Thief and Austen's Pride and Prejudice are masterpieces in my book (sorry, accidental pun). But I also highly appreciate action-packed, dramatic, and humorous series like Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, The Lunar Chronicles, The Hunger Games, The Selection, and many more.

Fair warning, I don't appreciate books that drone on and on about how depressing the state of the world is, go into 20 pages of detail about a single leaf on a tree, or get so wrapped up in social agendas that they have no plot that really grabs my attention. Thus, Sinclair's Jungle and Tartt's Goldfinch come to mind on least favorite, or in a more glass-half-full view, most hated books.

No one's tastes have to exactly match mine!

In fact, I hope they don't. I like hearing different opinions and discussing what worked or didn't work for readers.

If you're gonna be a hater, do so for a reason.

Don't just say you hated a book. Give a good explanation as to why. Was there a horrible character? Values you didn't agree with? The hero was a racist who shot bunnies out his back window? I'd like to hear it.

Any opinion of mine listed on here will probably have a whole host of reasons.

They may also contain spoilers!

I'll try to give a clear warning when something is about to be said that gives things away. Maybe I'll find some little graphic of those three monkeys covering their eyes, ears, and mouths. Or just a tiny book jumping up and down for you to stop. I'll come up with something.

In the meantime, enjoy my venting or praising of my latest reads. I'll try and keep it varied with different genres and time frames.



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